One fine day you come into your office, and find everyone singing the praises
of a new technology for the classroom - or perhaps complaining bitterly about
it. The question in your mind is, though, is it solely the technology's pedagogical
merits that are causing these reactions, or are there other factors at work?
For instance, could novelty and the expectations that surround it be causing
the observed results? Join us as we discuss how expectation effects can confound
the evaluation of new classroom practices, how to improve your evaluation methods
so as to clear away this fog, and how to apply this methodology to the upcoming
technologies discussed in the Horizon
The slides used in this presentation can be downloaded in PDF format here.
The audio for this presentation was originally delivered via a telephone conference call, and can be downloaded in MP3 format, as an edited recording, containing the voiceover for the slides and the Q&A portion of the presentation. (56mins duration)