May 30, 2009

Edugaming - Real Fun, Real Learning

The slides for the presentation that Tim Hart, Doug Snow, and myself gave jointly at the 2009 MLTI Student Conference are now online. Here's the original session description:

To understand video games and their uses, you have to analyze them — but you also have to play them. So, in this session, we will be doing both. What is it that draws kids of all ages — and adults — to games? How can games, and the lessons learned from playing them, be used in a classroom setting? Why is the recent "game builder" game Little Big Planet such a huge success — and what are its lessons for educators? How are virtual worlds defining a new learningscape? This session will offer an opportunity to explore, experience, participate, and reflect on games, gaming, and education.

Tim's slides are available from his blog, while my slides can be downloaded here. I have also uploaded the list of games we showcased in this presentation — each game listing is accompanied by a brief explanation for why that game was selected. With the exception of the Wii games, all the games are available either as downloadable demos, or for free.

My thanks to the team of students from Messalonskee HS that assisted us in this session — great work, guys.

Posted by Ruben at May 30, 2009 4:36 AM