The Infinite Canvas Reloaded: Digital Storytelling, Webcomics, and Web 2.0

The slides for the presentation that I gave at the 2009 NMC Summer Conference are now online. Here’s the original session description:

In 2000, Scott McCloud created the concept of the “infinite canvas,” a radical re-envisioning of the narrative possibilities opened up for comics by their transition from the printed page to the computer screen. Now, his vision is finally coming to fruition, enabled by new technologies and Web 2.0 tools. This session will examine how the new comics transform digital storytelling, the tools needed, and how to put the results to good use in academia.

My thanks to everyone who participated in this session — I really enjoyed the conversations that followed it.

3 thoughts on “The Infinite Canvas Reloaded: Digital Storytelling, Webcomics, and Web 2.0”

  1. Wolfram Alpha claims copyright over any plots, formulae, tables, etc. that might be generated as a result of your query.
    That’s… fascinating. I was under the impression that data was one of the things explicitly excluded from copyright protection.
    I guess they could claim copyright over the expression of the data, but the output doesn’t look notably different from any other data representation. Plus, there is a large pre-existing body of work of plots, charts and formulae…

  2. In a blog post, I wrote:
    “Ruben Puentedura describes some of the Promise and Perils of Wolfram|Alpha. If we want to create cultures that use data to improve our practice, then we should invest some effort in navigating between the promise and the perils.” Read more:
    Wolfram|Alpha data for analysis.

  3. I am enjoying your talks in Vermont. Several questions:
    * Could you provide a list of the 54 applications Maine has on its laptops?
    * Do you have a PDF of the communication task you described for teachers to learn given applications independently?
    Thank you!!!!

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